Will this GPU work with my PC?


Jul 3, 2014
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121882 THis is one i have found that looks like it will work good. It may be a little bit to tall but i do not care if i can not put the cover panel back on my case i will find a way to improvise. I am just wondering it it will work with my PC and run good enough with it? Below is a link to every possible PC specification you will need. If anyone knows of a better GPU that will work with my PC please tell me, thanks.

It will fit and it will work, it comes with a different back plate that doesn't have the VGA connector for low profile cases like yours.

What are needing the GT 730 for? Its a decent boost from the IGP but still a far cry from a low level gaming card if thats what you are hoping for, but if you just need more screens there are cheaper options that will do better.
It will fit and it will work, it comes with a different back plate that doesn't have the VGA connector for low profile cases like yours.

What are needing the GT 730 for? Its a decent boost from the IGP but still a far cry from a low level gaming card if thats what you are hoping for, but if you just need more screens there are cheaper options that will do better.


Jul 3, 2014

Well it is actually my little brothers PC and he "ONLY" plays minecraft. He is 6 and he mods the hell out of it and he always talks about Shader Mods but his PC iGPU can not even come close to running a shader mod on it. My old i3 laptop with Intel HD 4000 graphics can run any Shader Mod for minecraft at around 30-60FPS and i heard that the GT 730 is much better than HD 4000 Graphics so i thought it would definitely let him run Minecraft Shader Mods. His Birthday is a coming up also. :)