can you use RAM as storage?


Aug 23, 2014
i know RAM is temporary and when your pc shuts down all the data goes, but if you had enough like 64 GB of it, could you use it as storage for your PC?

my college teacher thinks im dumb because i said you can, but i have seen people's computers with in the description they say, they use RAM for there OS or files? please help!



Permanent storage, no.
You can use some of it as a RAMDisk. A portion of RAM is set aside, and appears to the OS as a hard drive. A really fast hard drive.

When you turn the PC off, whatever is there is gone. But there are some RAMDisk applications that will write that data back to the hard drive upon shut down. Then when you turn it back on, it retrieves that and writes back to that section of RAM.
Yup, its called a RAMdisk. Amongst professionals and speedfreaks its not unheard of for them to use it to cache their SSD's or host working files if their video editing or something.
Pretty much the fastest thing you can use as storage until 2050 and we have enough CPU cache to do it.
I always found it weird people using RAM Disks to hold their page file. The thing is literally where data is is dumped if the RAM overflows or stagnates, if you eliminate it entirely (or limit it to some tiny size) you would force the data to sit in the RAM without going to the trouble of making the RAM Disk.