Star Citizen - How excited are you? Open discussion

Hi Forum

Just though I would creat a thread discussing this upcoming game that I am positively foaming at the mouth to play.

Ill start of by asking a few questions.

Any Beta Testers around on the forum?

What package did you decide to get if you have already? I am considering the 300i, AVENGER or 315p.

Feel free to discuss anything regarding the game or developer as this is an open discussion of it.

Yes. Arena Commander, Hangar module work well. Pledged to get 3 ships in my hangar (Aurora LX, Freelancer DUR, and Constellation Aquila). The fidelity of detail is in readable. Arena commander has be active with more ships being tested. I am not familiar with flight Sims but I think the Arena Commander module will be more enjoyable if I buy a HOTAS style control setup. I followed this game for over a year before backing this game as a late backer. Very ambitious game but Chris Roberts has a very proven track record. Can't wait for all modules of the game to come out for beta testing:bounce:
Star Citizen is why I rebuilt my computer :) I pledged a while ago for the 315P. Although I can roam around in the hanger, I can only fly the 300i out in Arena Commander until they implement all ships. Very excited for this game. In pre-alpha, it's already the prettiest game I've ever seen. Cheers!

Oe, how does this roaming actually work? Third person? Click and move? First person? Any interaction?


Oct 30, 2014
Very excited and bought 3 ships, an Aurora LX, Freelancer DUR and a Constellation Aquila. The ships and hangars sport graphics way beyond anything I have ever experienced. You can walk around and inside your starship. Sit in a captains chair. Crawl into bed. Open and close cargo ramps, hatches and doors. Even ladders spring out to welcome you aboard. These ships will feel like home.
I have flown in Arena Commander and the controls are muddy and are a work in progress. Keep watching the Star Citizen Transmissions closely now in October towards Christmas. The work on this game is accelerating and there will be a flurry of major changes. The game might go beta before the end of this year. In the meantime I must upgrade to a high end graphics card to feed my triple monitor set up.
I was in a beta test a couple months back, the game looked nice, but it seems like it might just be another space fighter sim, instead of an actual space ship sim. If there was some way to customize your ships more indepth I might be interested, but currently the game just seems like Flight Simulator X in space to me. Or a new Wing Commander game. I'm hoping for something more like a Star Trek experience. (The ship command aspects.)


It keep breaking the Kickstarter record, I think their current kickstarter funding(excluding pledges that is like buying the game) is somewhere over 60MILLION USD.


As far as I can tell, each ship has what they call modules, these modules are customizable.

I'm still not that interested in another space fighter sim. I also doubt the modules allow for much more than soft-cosmetic changes and underlying stat changes.

I really would not know, but we can hope. :)

Keep in mind this is a MMO-like game, so it BETTER have that.

Yeah, I picked up that vibe as well. But it also seems to have kind of a heavy emphasis on "pay to win" because of all these big star ships they plan to sell for real cash, I know that's a huge turn off for me personally and many other gamers as well.

I mean how many people in this thread already said "I bought this ship," when we know the game doesn't even have an economy system yet.

Oh yes, I agree. Pay to win is really BS.

But as far as I can tell, the ships just provide you a headstart, everything in game can be bought with in game money.



Oct 30, 2014
Yes. Arena Commander, Hangar module work well. Pledged to get 3 ships in my hangar (Aurora LX, Freelancer DUR, and Constellation Aquila). The fidelity of detail is in readable. Arena commander has be active with more ships being tested. I am not familiar with flight Sims but I think the Arena Commander module will be more enjoyable if I buy a HOTAS style control setup. I followed this game for over a year before backing this game as a late backer. Very ambitious game but Chris Roberts has a very proven track record. Can't wait for all modules of the game to come out for beta testing:bounce:


I actually forgot to pledge! Thanks for reminding me !
Mar 3, 2015
Star Citizen in my opinion is going to be the biggest scam to ever hit the Internet, no game has ever been able to merge PvE players and PvP players in a manner that the PvP won't find some way to exploit. Anyone that is hoping to leave games like Eve online to find a safe haven for PvE play may as well and stay right where they are as Star Citizen will just be another game that proves the two play styles can not be merged and is a monumental money pit for those foolish enough to invest even a dime in it.