Terrible apartment supplied internet. Need advice on where to go next.


Sep 14, 2012
Long story short my apartment complex gives tenants "free" internet that is capped at 7Mb/s but rarely goes over 3Mb/s depending on the time if day. Basically it is unusable and they won't budge on either improving it or letting me go through an ISP to get my own private plan. I've been tethering my phones 4G but am afraid to go over 5gb of data in a single month. So what I came here to ask is if there is any way out of this besides moving? Is there an alternative way to get unlimited internet that doesn't require involving my landlord?
What do you get for TV service? If you have cable in the apartment, what is the issue with just ordering internet service for your apartment? They just stick a splitter on the cable line and connect a modem to it. I can see them not allowing someone to come in and run a full new line to the building, but using existing service should not be an issue.
It depends if there are any laws that require a landlord to allow you to be able to get direct access from a ISP. This is why apartments are forced to allow satellite dishes. You would think you could get DSL in any case, unless the apartments have decided to force their phone service on you too.

You should with care be able to use both connections at the same time. You could run your ones that require high speed over the 4g and the ones you can tolerate some slowness over the apartment. This is done with the ROUTE command. There is software from connectify that will help also or you can get a dual wan router that support 4g modem. Many asus or tplink have the option just be sure your phone is supported.

If you look at apartment locator software one of the big requirements is to be able to search for internet type. Many people will choose a place to live based on the type of internet they can get so your apartment needs to get their act together and start allowing private internet connections. If they want to offer free internet that is one thing but to prevent you from putting in your own connection is quite another.

They are lucky I don't live there, I would give notice and then the full week before I was going to move out their internet would "mysteriously" be completely unusable.
What do you get for TV service? If you have cable in the apartment, what is the issue with just ordering internet service for your apartment? They just stick a splitter on the cable line and connect a modem to it. I can see them not allowing someone to come in and run a full new line to the building, but using existing service should not be an issue.
You don't mention where you live. Check with your phone company (the old-fashioned using copper wires) whether you can get DSL line. This line is something your landlord cannot usually mess with.

My DSP goes up to 6mbps, and is good enough for what I need it for.