Site to see 3 best PCs/laptops for 3 price ranges?


Oct 6, 2014
Hi everyone,

I'm not sure if I am posting this in the correct place (I'm going to assume I'm not), but I was wondering if anyone could link me to that website that shows you the 3 best pc's for 3 different price ranges. I know someone linked it to me before and it was like the best desktop for a $400, $600 and $800 price range.

To be more specific, I was wondering if that kind of website was available for laptops aswell, and if so, what that site would be. Thank you very much!
You still have to define what "The Best" means to you. The best $400 gaming system is going to be configured a lot differently that the best $400 productivity system.

-Wolf sends
You have to define what best means. Different sites will use different metrics to determine their "best". With different metrics, you get different results. You need to define what you want(specifically) in a laptop/desktop, and then look for the best using those specs(metrics).


Oct 6, 2014

I'm sorry if I have been unclear. I will try to be more specific.

When I was asking for advice on here on what PC to get/build, someone linked me a site that would give you the 3 best choices in PCs at this very moment, for 3 different price ranges. So they would name:

1. The best PC atm for $400
2. The best PC atm for $600
3. The best PC atm for $800

I was wondering if anyone could link me that site again since I cant find it back, and if such a thing is available for laptops aswell.