GTX 770 fan speed not automatic?


May 29, 2014
Basically, I was playing my game the other day, when I noticed my gpu was making a noise while playing borderlands 2. I opened my case to find out that it was just coil whine, and I felt my GPU and it almost burned me. Anyways, I then realized the fan was only about 1000 RPM. I opened up MSI afterburner, and was able to change it. I set it to auto, and now it works, but it's dependent on MSI after burner to be open. I am pretty sure it's software related. My fan has worked before properly. But I don't know the problem now. Thank you in advance, and please help. I cannot exaggerate enough how every comment means and how I struggle for every ounce of help available and your help means a lot to me and I greatly appreciate it.
Hello... MSI afterburner requires the APP to be OPEN, for it to Control your Video Card... it does not change the Internal Programing of your Video card... that has to Done with a Firmware Flash.
1) If you have MSI burner loading when Windows Loads... AS you can see can be a BAD situation, and can lead to your GPU getting Damaged.
2) Un-install your MSI Burner APP... WHY do you need it? Yes, it has pretty Graphs and you can move sliders around... And It is a Great Tool for me to Find a STABLE setting I plan to Flash a STOCK GPU with... After that it is Discarded/UN-installed from my system.