first time gaming pc build need help selecting parts


Oct 23, 2014
Approximate Purchase Date: in about 8 weeks

Budget Range: around £1200

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming and some web surfing i have a mac so all the other stuff i need to do is on there, i just want to build a system that will run most games at 1080p on ultra at at least 60 fps (games i mostly like to play are arma 2 and 3, battlefield 4, dayz sa and the mod and idd like to get into some mmos)

Are you buying a monitor: Yes i don't know much about monitors so any help would be appreciated

Do you need to buy OS: Yes

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: i don't really mind i live in the UK so any that ship there

Location: Nottingham UK

Parts Preferences: i would like to use the intel i5-4670k and the Asus gtx 970

Overclocking: Yes

SLI or Crossfire: maybe in the future not to sure at the moment

Your Monitor Resolution: i think the monitor i would need for 1080p is 1920x1080 correct me if i am wrong

Additional Comments: i may want to have a go at streaming at some point but i will buy the hardware at a later date here is a pc part picker i have made feel free to change it to what would be best for me, as this is just what i have chosen based on looking through these forums and watching some youtube vids. thanks in advance for any help i receive


Definitely a good build, all solid decisions that I would not change unless you are looking to shave of some cost without sacrificing performance or quality.

The only real point that I would change is the cooler, H100i is overpriced and loud, a Noctua NH-d14/d15 does the job just as well and a lot quieter.

Although you would need to get low profile RAM then.
Definitely a good build, all solid decisions that I would not change unless you are looking to shave of some cost without sacrificing performance or quality.

The only real point that I would change is the cooler, H100i is overpriced and loud, a Noctua NH-d14/d15 does the job just as well and a lot quieter.

Although you would need to get low profile RAM then.