Does this SSD issue occur frequently ?



today, after cleaning my PC an old problem struck me again. My PC wouldn't boot as my SSD wasn't working. I searched all over the net, and spent an extremely frustrating afternoon trying to find out a solution, and I stumbled upon this site.

I'm currently following as the site states, however, I was wondering if this problem occurs to other SSD owners as well. Is this a very common issue ?

I'm currently using a Samsung 840 Evo 120GB as my boot drive, and this is my second time having this problem. So is this a common issue with other Manufacturers' SSDs ? When I was reading up on SSDs, I've never found anyone reporting this issue.

I hope a solution to this would be more accessible to others. The frustration of seeing your PC not booting is unbearable
I have used Samsung 840 EVO drives (128/250GB) for over a year.....the only issue I have encountered is the firmware update that just came out. With any hardware, it is a good idea to check the manufacturer's website every 30-60 days for important information regarding your product as information like the 840 EVO's issue comes out - you want it fixed.

I didn't notice a slowdown on any of my drives....but the firmware update will keep it from happening in the future....

BTW - interesting article on the SSD.....