Just installed a file on linux and cant find it

Did you look for a file search in your file browser? I can only speak for the KDE desktop environment as that is what I have installed, but if you open dolphin, click find and type the file name. You may have to navigate to the root directory to do the search if it's possible that it is located outside of your home directory. I'm guessing that the other desktop environments have something similar.

If you tell us what version of Linux you are running people might be able to help you further.


Jan 15, 2005
Did you look for a file search in your file browser? I can only speak for the KDE desktop environment as that is what I have installed, but if you open dolphin, click find and type the file name. You may have to navigate to the root directory to do the search if it's possible that it is located outside of your home directory. I'm guessing that the other desktop environments have something similar.

If you tell us what version of Linux you are running people might be able to help you further.