Ways to remote desktop from a PC to a Mac on local network

Hi all, have a fairly simple question.

I'm looking for ways to remote desktop in to my MacMini (OSX 10.8) from my PC (Windows 7 Ultimate).

I've been using various programs of the VNC variety and while they work they have a significant lag.This would be fine/expected if I was working over the internet and trying to remote in, but I'm trying to connecting to the Mac while on the same home network. The setup is simple, everything's on Cat6 wired to an Apple Airport Extreme. No weird network topology or setup. Fact is the Mac is all of 3 feet from the PC, it just isn't used enough to warrant its own monitor setup.

So does anyone have any good ideas?
I think the only way you can get what you want (that I can think up of), is to do this:

Have your mouse/keyboard plugged into a USB hub. Have a USB extension cable run from both computers to your work desk.

Run a video cable (DVI/HDMI and such) from your Mac to a free port on your PC monitor.

Now whenever you want to control your Mac, just attach the USB hub to the Mac's USB extension cable, and switch the video input on your monitor.

And then keep a previously working VNC/Teamviewer solution so you can perform file transfers.

Only 3 feet you said. Shouldn't be a problem :)
Yeah thats what I was kind of afraid of. I'm trying to declutter/dewire my setup so I hoping for a good remote options. Its very frustrating, MS remote desktop would be perfect if I was going from Windows PC to Windows PC. You can use MS remote desktop to go from Mac to PC, but not the other way around.