GTX 750 Ti vs GTX 660


Aug 28, 2014
My friend wants to put an Nvidia card in his new build but he only has the budget for a 750 Ti or 660 and I am finding mixed answers and results and he would just like to know which would perform better for 1080p gaming.
Well its a shame he is being stubborn, but if he won't budge there isn't anything you can do. Try reminding him that he is paying $15 more at least for a product that will perform about 20% worse at a minimum. If he won't budge, Kaliz is correct in that case the GTX 750Ti is the best choice, its not as high performance as the GTX 660, but the price/performance ratio is better.
If he wants the best performance for the money neither of those are the best choices.

This graphics card is cheaper than even the cheapest of either of those cards and offers significantly more performance than either of those cards too. Just make sure the PSU supports it.
Well its a shame he is being stubborn, but if he won't budge there isn't anything you can do. Try reminding him that he is paying $15 more at least for a product that will perform about 20% worse at a minimum. If he won't budge, Kaliz is correct in that case the GTX 750Ti is the best choice, its not as high performance as the GTX 660, but the price/performance ratio is better.