Does hyperthreading helps in gaming ?


Dec 17, 2013
My friend is building a rig and need a little help. He is thinking for g3220 or i3 4130. There is huge difference in price ( i3 cost twice as much as g3220 ). So does the hyperthreading really helps in gaming ?

In some cases it can, but the prevailing wisdom is that Hyperthreading increases total instruction throughput at the expensive of per-thread real time constrains. This is a rather technical way of saying that developers that want to meet real time constraints, such as a 16.67ms inter-frame period, should schedule key threads in such a way that they are scheduled on logical processors that belong to separate cores rather than the same core. So while HyperThreading can be beneficial in certain circumstances, many developers work around it so it's not necessary to purchase a CPU with HyperThreading support if your sole intention is to play video games.