Asus H97 Pro Gamer CPU fan error

Koushik Majumder

Sep 26, 2013
My friend built a system using:
1. Intel i5 4590
2. Asus H97 Pro Gamer
3. Corsair Vengeance 1X8GB @ 1600MHz
4. Seasonic 620 Watt SMPS
5. Coolermaster CM 690 III Cabinet
6. Seagate HDD
The problem is that the CPU fan tries to run when using cold boot for two times hen speeds up to maximum rpm but before that bios throws CPU fan error. This happens while cold booting only, not hot booting, and lowering the RPM threshold to 200 (lowest available in Q-Fan) does not help or nor diabling Q_FAN control altogether helps. Only when bios ignores the RPM then only windows is booted directly. We already RMAed the first motherboard to ASUS and got a brand new replacement but the error still persists. So what is others experience here?
I haven't experienced this error, but you might try a trick: Connect the CPU fan to a CHA_fan header and a case fan to the CPU_fan header. See if still same error.
The only problem in this case would be that the CPU fan speed will not be controlled based on the CPU temperature.
Another option would be replacing the CPU cooler with other cooler.