PC certain textures low resolution on all games


Nov 23, 2014
I noticed as of a few days ago that when I was playing Civilization 5 on my PC that some of the textures in the game -specifically the country borders and the boarders around UI icons- were at a definitively lower resolution than the rest of the textures in the game.

I have never had this problem before when running Civ 5 (or any other game for that matter) so I assumed that when toggling between my laptop screen and my monitor that some resolution or graphics setting has subtly changed. After spending a fair amount of time changing settings and restarting the game I could not solve the problem.

Fast forward to last night. I started Dark Souls (the first one) on my PC. I instantaneously noticed that much of the textures and icons looked like hell (including text in game and at the main menu which was not a problem in Civilization.) This got me paranoid quit Dark Souls and opened Dark Souls 2. In Dark Souls 2 much of the terrain textures where loading at a very low resolution or where otherwise very blurry.

I have put an embarrassingly high amount of hours into these games and I have never had a problem like this before. I have also gone back and forth between my two displays before (1600 x 900 and 1680 x 1050) and never had a problem like this.
Thank you for any help.