Need help with the title of an old game


Nov 28, 2014
I'm very sorry for this extremely vague description, but if anyone could help find the name or even just tell me I'm just imagining things that would be awesome. It was a long time ago and all i remember is playing on a counsel and the plot was choosing a different scenario that your hero would go through. The game consisted of it seemed anime like cut scenes where you would press a corresponding button perhaps to ensure your hero would live to the next cut scene. The most prominent fact i can remember is that you had about 3 or 4 chances before you would die and the hero I played with had a crystal or gem of some sort over his heart. There was a desert level I would always try to beat where you had to slay a large sand worm kind of beast. Again sorry for the vagueness, but any help would be appreciated.


Nov 28, 2014

No sorry it wasn't that. It was almost like watching a show and then you had to hit button combos at the right time, thanks for answering though.