Why is my physical memory usage so high?

Sam QS

Oct 23, 2014
Being on this page alone is costing me 5gb of physical memory out of 8gb, closing this page helps very slightly, nothing worth mentioning. Does anyone know what the problem may be? This started happening roughly a week ago and I have no idea what's causing it.

Does anyone know of a fix to this?
How much ram do you have?

It sounds to me that you have some app that is constantly grabbing ram and not releasing it.
With 100 hard faults per second your pc will slow to a crawl.

On the resource monitor memory tab look at the processes.
Look for a process with a large working set or committed ram.
The largest is likely the culprit.

Sam QS

Oct 23, 2014
I have no idea what the hard faults/sec is but I'm looking at it and it says - Memory 100 Hard Faults/sec
Then right below the chart, it shows a 0. So I'm guessing that should be right?

Honestly I'm getting really confused about this whole thing, I'm adding up the ram usage on task manager and it's way too far from 5gb. Maybe I'm not looking in the right area?

I've been watching my memory usage very closely and it seems every give minute or so, it rises by .01 This problem seems to be consistent and keep rising until roughly 100 mins mark and it'll be permanently 1gb of memory usage up until I restart the computer.
How much ram do you have?

It sounds to me that you have some app that is constantly grabbing ram and not releasing it.
With 100 hard faults per second your pc will slow to a crawl.

On the resource monitor memory tab look at the processes.
Look for a process with a large working set or committed ram.
The largest is likely the culprit.