4K monitor or single 1440p(with upgrade)


Aug 3, 2014
Does anybody have a recommendation for a 4K monitor$500-$600 or less, I would really like it if it came with a display port cable.
should i get a 1440p monitor and get 2 more and in the future run triple 1440p surround with upgraded graphics cards
Well, wouldn't you want some good gaming experience rather than good graphics? Another think about 4k is it really heats up your systems, so you'll have to have a really good cooling system for it, unless you want to run your pc at 80-90C constantly. I'd play at 1440p and have fun with all games than play at 4k with some lags, and you'd need at least 4GB of VRAM for 4k. In a few months there would probably be cards that's better with more VRAM, then you can SLI it and play 4k with no problems.


Aug 3, 2014
i know i would not be able to run 4K at max settings and get 60 fps average, but you dont even think i could do it at medium to high? even with the upcoming driver update for amd catalyst, which claimed it can give 19% higher performance?


Well, wouldn't you want some good gaming experience rather than good graphics? Another think about 4k is it really heats up your systems, so you'll have to have a really good cooling system for it, unless you want to run your pc at 80-90C constantly. I'd play at 1440p and have fun with all games than play at 4k with some lags, and you'd need at least 4GB of VRAM for 4k. In a few months there would probably be cards that's better with more VRAM, then you can SLI it and play 4k with no problems.


I just use my pc to play games and watch movies really, nothing hardcore or competitive. I spent this much because I like to overkill my systems so I won't have problems for a long time. Rather than having a system just for now and maybe until a year later and have to upgrade again.


Aug 3, 2014
ok, I understand, any recommendations for a 1440p monitor?
also what could you possibly do with a system as powerful as yours? do you really need both of those cards for 4K, do you do 3d rendering or animation? run 5 monitors (i believe a 295x2 can run 5 monitors per card)


Here are some Asus gaming monitors depending on your budget for them, or perhaps 1080 144hz if you want very good game play than improvement in graphics.


I actually use my computer for pretty light-medium stuff, lol. All I do is play games with it and sometimes watch movies. I don't do any kind of 3D rendering or video editing. The 295x2 can support up to 5 monitors each with 4x mini displayport and 1x DVI, so up to 10 monitors. But I use a UHD TV since I don't play a lot of fast action games, so response time doesn't matter that much to me.


When I started with UHD, I had a gtx 780 with a mid tower, it took everything my computer had to run my games smoothly, even then my computer was heating up up to 80C+ degrees, with only 3GB of VRAM, I was lagging when there were too much graphical details on my screen. So that was pretty bad. When you are ready for 4k, don't get any cheap stuff, especially PSU, don't underestimate it, or it'll kill your computer like it did to mine. While I was uograding, I got a 1200w psu, it was defective without protection, so then it causes a power surge and killed over $1000 off of my $1500 computer, so that really sucked, make sure you get a PSU with protection :)

Edit: I bought my gtx 780 for $510, that power surge stripped it down to $70, my RAM, motherboard was damaged, plus my cpu. My HDD died after a few weeks, lost all data.


I would also vote 1440p, and maybe add another 280x for CF. I would probably go with this monitor, as the price is really good, and BenQ seems to be producing good products lately.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Monitor: BenQ GW2765HT 60Hz 27.0" Monitor ($344.00 @ B&H)
Total: $344.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-10 12:17 EST-0500


Aug 3, 2014

I already have cfx 280x


Aug 3, 2014

Wait, so you dont think my psu is reliable enough? it is a tier 1 PSU, 9.5 rating on johnny guru. Do you really think i need a platimum or titanium rated PSU to run 4K reliably without surges?



Aug 3, 2014
So even if i got a 295x2 or something ridiculous like 3 gtx 980s (yes i know the scaling of performance gain over 2 gpus is literally crap in most games other than tomb raider, which is weird) i should be perfectly fine with the Supernova 1000W G2. I say 3 gtx 980s, or 3 gtx 970s, bc they are really efficient and I have read and seen a lot o things that total system usage even with 4 does not exceed even 700-800W total system draw at full load