Quiet, Good Quality PSU For My Build For Below $100

Pure Michigan

Dec 5, 2014
Hi everyone, I posted this in another thread but wanted to see if I could get more responses in the systems section.

I am planning on purchasing the components for my build today and was hoping to get input from the forum regarding a PSU. I have been researching like crazy all today but there are so many different reviews on newegg/and older reviews on this board that it is hard to tell which PSUs are most reliable. I even checked out http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/id-1804779/power-su... and as I go through each one, it always looks like there are handfuls of people who have issues.

I am looking for a PSU to compliment this build (http://pcpartpicker.com/user/WiggyWigster/saved/fRKkcf) that would be below $100, with an emphasis on being quiet, reliable, and preferably fully or semi modular. Please let me know if you can help! I have been recommended the xfx550 but tons of reviews say the cables are very loose and don't snap in well. I was also recommended the EVGA 750W 80+ and wanted to see if anyone had other recommendations from personal use/other references? Thank you!
The psu wattage you need is mostly gated by the graphics card. A GTX970 will want about a 550w psu:

I have no problem overprovisioning a PSU a bit. Say 20%.
It will run cooler, quieter, and more efficiently in the middle third of it's range.
A PSU will only use the wattage demanded of it, regardless of it's max capability.

Here is one list of psu quality. You will do well with any tier 1 or 2 unit.
My short list would include Seasonic, xfx, antec.

One of the few good arguments for gold rated psu's is that because of increased efficiency, the fan will not need to run much, or not at all.

I don't think I would use modular as a selection criteria.
There are pro's and cons.
You are going to use most of the leads anyway.
And stashing a couple of the leads out of the airstream is not a big deal for most mid tower cases.
The con to modular is usually a higher price, and some added exposure to loose modular connections.
I would put modular or not low on my list of criteria.