Mac or PC and i5 vs i7


Mar 2, 2014
The title pretty much sums it up. I'm trying to decide between getting a mac or a pc desktop and whether i7 or i5 would be better for me.

Some info- I have used macs as long as I've owned computers, and very seldom actually used a pc outside of sending an email or typing a paper. I do game, but I have a ps4 and xbox, so I'm not so sure I need a third method of playing the very few decent games that are currently out. I'm very interested in game art and design, as well as other artistic pursuits. I'm interested in learning more about audio editing and possibly trying some animation 2d and 3d. Along with this the college I'm thinking about going to uses macbooks (I'll be online but I'm sure the campus has iMacs). I'm a big fan of aesthetics and both appeal. I really would like to use a mechanical keyboard which is no problem with pc, but Mac I'm sure has issues with any third party peripherals but definitely share if you have any experience there. Hopefully that was thorough enough, but if you need more info let me know. Also I know very little about the differences of CPUs aside from the usual "if you're gaming get an i5"


Gaming: definitely get a PC

Artsy stuff: the Mac versions of artsy stuff are much better, according to everyone who uses them.

Macs will be more expensive than PCs, but probably a lot easier for you to use. MacBooks also tend to have a longer lifespan than PC laptops, if that's what you're going for.

Desktop-wise, I don't see why you would want a Mac desktop when their MacBooks are so great.

Plug-and-play mechanical keyboards should work fine with Macs, but the specific macro software may not work so great. Also, you won't have the functionality of the CMD/Apple/Squiggly thing key with a non-Mac keyboard. That's pretty much it.


Mar 2, 2014

i already have a macbook pro so im looking into getting a desktop. i really like the UI of mac but the upgradeability of pc is nice although i did have an old macbook that lasted me a good 6 years and my friend still uses it now.


Oct 14, 2010
as a graphic designer, there is no need to go with a mac. that aside... get what you are comfortable with using.

the i7 can have advantages when it comes to intensive muti threaded applications, but I get by doing autocad/photoshop/illustrator/corel draw/and some minor work in after effects with an i5... ram and ssd are more important.

i will throw some change into the pc bucket in that you have a lot more freedom in what you get inside it, upgrading it, and what the box (case) looks like.

if you're going to go with a pre built system, that opens up another box of worms of reliability.

Apple products TEND to be rather reliable, but i don't agree with the premium cost, on the flip... i loathe windows 8 and 8.1.

as for the mechanical keyboard note. daskeyboard makes an osx/mac version as ONE option.

for the audio editing, you could get a higher end audio card in a pc much easier (to my knowledge), video is open for both sides (barring an imac - no real workstation level card). I would lean more towards who has the better software.

hope some of my rambling helps.


Oct 14, 2010
"Artsy stuff: the Mac versions of artsy stuff are much better, according to everyone who uses them. "

... having worked the past 9 years in all dual OS environments... i see no game changing performance difference or UI perks in OSX... at all, it comes down to comfort levels with the nuance of the operating systems...

Not attacking just voicing an opinion from my industrial/graphic design career experience. i own and use both mac/pc at work and at home.


Mar 2, 2014

I'm thinking about getting both cause I can't pick one. part of me is wanting to go with pc but I just like mac more for a handful of reasons. Possibly PC first seeing as I already have a macbook laptop