I need help finding the best Radeon R9 290 Card


Jan 3, 2014
Let me start off by saying that I am not particularly tech savvy, so please excuse any incompetence I may exhibit. Anyway, I am trying to run Battlefield 4 on Ultra settings with a constant 60+ FPS. After some research, I came to the conclusion that the cheapest card that would be capable of doing this is one of the variants of the Radeon R9 290. However, when I search Radeon R9 290 on amazon, a bunch of different variants of it appear, all with different prices. I would like somebody to explain how these cards differ and help me select the card with the best value.


Well, it's based upon brand, aftermarket cooling, memory interface, and factory over-clocks.

The "best" would be, arguably, the R9 290 Vapor-X. The "worst" would be any "reference" card, with default cooling (internal blower-fan). The r9 290 will begin to slow itself down, depreciating performance, as it heats up closer to 100 degrees C, and thus, you should look for decent cooling.

As far as which cooling is the best, the Vapor-X WILL keep you down in the 50-60s range, but you don't need to be that low. You can be in the 80s C and still function at full capacity. So, any card with a couple, or triple, fans, from a reputable seller, will suit you well.

Personal recommendation: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202080&cm_re=r9_290-_-14-202-080-_-Product

Best option: http://www.amazon.com/Sapphire-VAPOR-X-PCI-Express-Graphics-11227-04-40G/dp/B00JJJW4Z2


Jan 3, 2014

I hate to be a bother, but would you happen to know if the newegg link card you recommended would fit in this case?


If you want to save a little money a 280x will probably do what you are asking. But like previous poster stated you will not want a turbine style cooler on your card and you will want some decent air flow in your case.

I would double think getting the sapphire vapor X because at that price point your close enough to the gtx 970 that it would be the better option.

I would check out newegg, they seem to have some better prices. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007709%20600473877&IsNodeId=1&Description=r9%20290&name=Radeon%20R9%20290&Order=PRICE&Pagesize=30



Based on my research, yes, it ought to.


It's roughly a foot long.
I own the vapor x 290 its a fine card when it don't BSOD Now that's not blue screen of death that's black screen at almost 300 bucks I am still working out the issues with it.. Now It was mention that the 970 would be a viable option I would agree.. Save yourself some headaches .... tHE 970 would TIDE YOU OVER FOR A LONG TIME I had a Ghost RADEON 7950 in my system before that r 290 SAPPHIRE and it ran fine as I said I have been very busy lately not enough time to focus on my SAPPHIRE R 290 PRETTY CARD THO... but if I had knew there be issues with it. I would of went with the 970 myself.. hope this helps...


Jan 3, 2014

This has me interested. Can anybody confirm that the 280x will definitely run BF4 on ultra with constant 60 fps? Also, just to get an idea of what I'll be sacrificing by opting for the 280x, can anybody give an example of a game that the 290 would be able to run on ultra, but the 280x wouldn't?



I personally don't think the r9 280x can handle everything BF4 could throw at it on maxed ultra settings, especially the Uber-sampling. In this forum, someone seconds my opinion, saying that although it's a good card, it's no monster, when speaking of BF4. http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/173295-bad-fps-in-games-with-a-r9-280x/

Asking for anything more specific than that should call for opening a new thread. haha, but there's my 2 cents. Also, note that there are opposing opinions in that forum, countering. Though, from experience, I can say that on Company of Heroes 2, I experienced an increase of 24% FPS when going from my r9 280x to r9 290.


Jan 3, 2014

All right, well that about settles it. I'll look into getting an R9 290, thank you for all of your help.