How can i find someone to build my pc for me?


Nov 6, 2014
I'm about to buy $1300 in computer parts, and i want to hire someone to build my pc for me. I don't know anything about building computers and i don't want to have to buy tools to do it, and run the risk of breaking something.

the only place i have found that would build my pc is data doctors, and they want $300 to do it. i live in Glendale Az. is there anywhere else i can have someone build it?

i checked bestbuy/geeksquad, they wont build it.

i have yet to find anywhere else online that offers that service.

any advice would be appreciated,
thank you.

Math Geek

you can search your local craigslist ads or similar posting site. there is probably someone advertising such services. also check the local yellow pages for local custom pc/repair shop. they will probably do it for you as well but of course i have no clue what they would charge. or if you get really desperate and you or someone you know works in an office environment, their it guys would know how and would proba let you pay to build it. these are a couple ideas for how you can locate a local pc geek who can do this for you.

it really is not hard to build one and all you need is a screwdriver. follow the directions and you should avoid most common mistakes people make first time out. youtube is full of videos showing how to do it. watch a couple and i bet you'll feel pretty confident you can do it. each piece only has one place it can go and only one way to go there. pretty hard to mess that up.

i don't know your age but if your in school of any kind there is guaranteed to be folks who can do it, you just have to ask around. we geeks are always in school for one reason or another. i'm 40 and am still working on another degree to add to the 3 i already have. :)
Dec 9, 2014
Don't say you wont build a PC if you haven't watched single video about it at YouTube. Watch one guide and you'll find out how easy it is. Of course you could break something but if you do everything well planned you'll be fine. Spend some time finding about PC specs. This is great website where you can ask anything you need to know and YouTube is another great place. Just remember these things. 1st Find shop that has low prices, good quality and it ships to your country. If you live at USA or UK It's easy, is great place to find cheap gaming PC specs. 2nd Remember to spend mostly money on your CPU (Central Processing Unit, Processor) and GPU (Graphics Processing Unit, Video Card) AMD processor can look like a great deal but when you compare an AMD 8 core 4.0GHz against an Intel 4 core 3.5GHz Intel wins, Intel just costs more but i recommend getting Intel with that budget. Also in GPUs NVIDIA beats AMD with performance and cooling but AMD is still cheaper. If you don't want to build computer and you're STILL reading this(why are you wtf?) use sites like or