Which is faster between an HD 6870 and a GTX 460?


Are you able to find any 7000 series cards? Maybe a used 7790 or 7850?
Recently I brought a used 7790 for my friend in the Philippines.


The 6870 is slightly faster than the 460. The 460 is also much older.

So If I were you I would go the 6870, although for a little more you could buy an r7 265 which is much faster than both of them.
So yes the 6870 is faster, but keep in mind how old it is now and can be beaten by more efficient cards.

-good luck


Feb 27, 2014
The HD 6870 would be faster. However, due to the age of the cards, they wouldn't exactly be the best deal now. And most newer cards which are cheaper, would easily blow them both out of the water.



Are you able to find any 7000 series cards? Maybe a used 7790 or 7850?
Recently I brought a used 7790 for my friend in the Philippines.

Dolphing Kujog

Oct 16, 2014

I don't know. I spent almost the entire month just to find this card. Actually there are much higher card but the prices are also higher and I can't stretch my budget enough.

not really older than GTX460. AMD launch 6800 2 or 3 months after nvidia launch 460 to counter nvidia aggressive attack with 460. but between the two 460 might have better driver support. not in terms of game performance or stability but in terms of life support. nvidia already confirmed that all their DX11 will get DX12 support while AMD will only support GCN based card (i ask about this in AMD's AMA earlier this month). looking at the history how fast AMD drop support for their card i dare to bet that AMD will drop support for 5k and 6k in the main driver by the time next version of windows arrive.


if you want AMD card get at least the one from 7k generation.