New Graphics Card wont work please help...

Ancient Debt

Jan 8, 2015
I purchased a new Sapphire Radeon Tri-X R9 290 and I plugged it into my motherboard and i plugged my psu into the card itself, it should be working. i installed the driver and uninstalled the driver for my previous graphics but my computer is still only detecting my old graphics card.. do i need to unplug something i dont know about? do i need to do further steps?? please help if you can assist me in anyway! thanks!
the fastest, and least software intensive way to fix this is to find the coin battery on your motherboard, and pop it out and wait for 20 seconds, while the computer is unplugged, you will loose the time on your bios, and perhaps some oc profiles, but the card should be recognized at once. and it is easy to reset bios time.
the less sketchy sounding method would be to uninstall the new drivers, get the latest from AMD's site again, and see if it works, as sometimes drivers love to ruin your day.

But a question, what was your previous card?