What is better GPU Asus 780 or Gigabyte 970 G1

The GTX 970 is better value and more than fast enough for 1080p.
The GTX 980 is about 20% faster and has the same amount of VRAM, not really any more future proof.
Power usage isn't much different between the two, much better than GTX 700 series (except GTX 750 and 750 Ti) and much better than Radeon R7/R9 200 series.

Definitely the GTX 970.
1. More future proof with more VRAM
2. Less power, 145W compared to 250W
3. Faster


Jan 10, 2015
The GTX 970 is better value and more than fast enough for 1080p.
The GTX 980 is about 20% faster and has the same amount of VRAM, not really any more future proof.
Power usage isn't much different between the two, much better than GTX 700 series (except GTX 750 and 750 Ti) and much better than Radeon R7/R9 200 series.

Definitely the GTX 970.
1. More future proof with more VRAM
2. Less power, 145W compared to 250W
3. Faster