Can a wired network have a bridge device and an access point to connect different SSIDs?


Jan 17, 2015
Question details: Can a wired network use a bridge device to connect to one SSID and also have an access point broadcasting a different SSID so that a tablet connected to the second SSID can get to resources on the network broadcasting the first SSID?

Background: I have a working Ethernet network in my home with an ISP connection, a NAS drive and a wireless router providing connection to several portable wireless devices.

I also have an motorhome with a separate wired Ethernet network, a laptop, another NAS drive and a bridge to access the WiFi in my home. When I am at home, I can sync files between the NAS drives.

I take some of the portable wireless devices with me when I travel. What I would like to do is add a separate access point to the motorhome network to create a local hotspot with a different SSID to provide a fixed connection for the portable devices that I take with me. Can that arrangement provide internet access to the portable devices?

RV parks usually offer public Wifi for Internet access. If I use the laptop to connect the bridge to the park WiFi would that provide internet access to my portable wireless devices?

Thank you for your insights.