Double your internet speed? does that trick works?

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VeTeRen ThoR

Jun 19, 2013
hey everyone i just watched this video on youtube where this one scientist nerdy sorta guy said you can connect another ethernet cable without its pins and tape it with electrical tape and he says that is the same method they use on expensive cables, so when he ran speed his download and upload speed increased by more than double? is this trick true cause i don't want to waste a Ethernet cable for shitt
There is no way to double the speed you are assigned by your ISP's network... no messing around is going to double your up/downstream. You get what you get unfortunately.
That sounds more like some way make two cheap cables perform as if they are a higher bandwidth cable. The problem is, the rest of your hardware would still have the same limitations it has now, only you might be able to buy a little cheaper cable, which are already pretty cheap.
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