Does AMD Athlon Boost Radeon Graphics Cards?

There is no benefit to using an AMD graphics with either Intel or AMD CPU's, in fact, Intel CPU's often perform better, what you are seeing is "marketing", "Lets compare our quad core CPU at 3.7GHz against the performance of an Intel dual core at 3.2GHz using some programs designed to take advantage of all possible cores" if you were to compare the same using a quad core Intel CPU (i5-4460 at 3.2GHz for example) you would see a completely different picture (granted you would be looking at about twice the price for the Intel CPU so there is some "value" to the AMD CPU).
The only time you see an advantage when using an AMD graphics card with an AMD processor is if you are talking about an APU used with a low end Radeon card. The IGP on the APU and low end Radeon cards can be run together in hybrid Crossfire to boost graphical performance, though it tends to have a lot of issues with frame pacing making it not particularly ideal.