Just cleaned thermal paste off CPU but grey tint left behind?

Yes, usually I just wipe it off with a cotton swab afterwards. If it is dried on, you may have to use a tiny bit of isopropyl alcohol again to loosen it up to wipe off clean.
Sometimes yes. I usually say once you think it's clean, clean it once more. However don't get hung up if there is still just a little bit of a tint to it. Acetone works pretty well if you have some, but I wouldn't go out and buy some just for this. Be careful what you get Acetone on though, it's not as forgiving as alcohol on materials.


Dec 31, 2014
Is there a limit to cleaning thermal paste off CPU before there is any chance i am able to cause damage to it?
Also, do you straight up put alcohol on Q-tip or something and then keep wiping until clean or do you use something to scrape the thermal paste off time

Because with my evo 212 having problems (Cleaned thermal off CPU once) now I want to install my intel cooler to just install windows and drivvers and everything else first, until I get my cooler 212 evo again and install that?

That'd mean I have cleaned my CPU once, then I have to do it once more afterwards. Is this a problem at all?
There's no limit. Reapplying once in a while is a good thing as the paste then doesn't dry out completely. Once it does, it loses the ability to conduct the heat transfer as it was designed. I reapply at least once a year.

Get off what you can with the swab and alcohol. If you encounter some firm and stubborn leftovers, a blade will help. Just be careful and work slowly.