Crysis 2 Stutter on Ultra (Capable Rig)


Jun 22, 2014
Hey guys.
So playing Crysis 2 i get this horrbile random fps drops/stutter in a lot of different situations if im playing with settings maxed (minus dx11 and high res textures in hopes these were causing the issues)

if i turn the graphics down to high it plays fine, but if its on ultra i get stutter when engaging in some fights (not fps drops, the framerate stutters until it fixes itself) and going past certain sections it keeps happening, but on lowest qualtiy it doesnt.

Id understand this if i didnt have a rig with a GTX 970 with 4GB VRAM, a i7 4790k @ 4.5ghz, 16GB Samsung Green RAM and have the game isntalled on an SSD, lowest temps and the only game with this issue.

Anyone know of any fixes i can do? seems stupid to butcher a games quality when im, more than capable of running it at that quality.