I have a question about future prices on current day hardware.


Jan 26, 2015
So current hardware right now has a certain price. Now I know that obviously no one can tell the future but does the hardware decrease in price over time? For example an Intel Core i5-4590 is about $200 right now. Will that price be the same in 1 year or will it go up or down? Like I said I totally understand that no one actually knows what will happen. I just don't know how the market works and how it is affected by new technology.

Also, what hardware is affected more than others if it is affected at all.

New products will not be introduced unless their price/performance is better than the previous product.
With intel processors, a new product might have the same list price, but give 10% better performance.
If there are significant added features, then the value is even higher.
The street price may vary, as will used prices.

Probably graphics cards are most volatile, and cases are the least.
Power supplies do not vary too much either.



For GPUs the price generally drops as new ones are released, CPU prices tend to stay the same. The PCIe 3.0 slot will be around a while as graphics cards don't come close to saturating it, the LGA sockets change more often. So it's often cheaper going from an i3 to an i7 without changing MB (sockets) to gain performance, so the Gen's of CPUs keeps it's value. Graphics cards don't have that factor with the PCIe slots, a 2.0 will work just as good as a 3.0 today given it has 16 lanes.

SSDs are getting cheaper, DDR4 is more expensive than DDR3 yet DDR3 keeps up with anything gamers need in memory speed. So I guess it depends on what component, some go up, down and stay close to the same as the release price.


Jan 26, 2015
Sweet, thanks everybody that answers a lot of my questions.

So in your opinion, do you guys think I should buy components now or would it even be worth it to wait a year to buy the same exact components?