why am i finding my web cam opened up behind my internet explorer even though i have closed it


Jan 28, 2015
I used web cam the 2 weeks ago because of a suspicion I had about something. Just recently (say past couple days) whenever I open up my internet explorer I find the webcam opened up behind it even though I never touched the app. Also I used it today when I went for a walk placing it on record to review when I came home. I cannot find the recording. So can someone explain this to me and assist
Without actually being there to see what is going on, I'd have to say someone else is using the computer. There are a few other options, the web cam program was set to start automatically with windows. And the recording either could have ran out of space, file got corrupted during saving or recording, the program crashed during recording or you did not start the recording properly.


Jul 18, 2015
The same thing happened to me recently and only after weeks of puzzling over this did I discover, to my horror, that a sneaky friend of my brother had somehow managed to access webcam in my bedroom and could now operate it at will, remotely via the internet. Turns out I had been the 14 year old star of the web's "hottest streaming live feed" performing unwittingly 24/7 for at least 3 months. How embarrassing!