Windows 7 and HHD trouble..

If I read your post correctly, you built a new computer that includes an SSD on which you have Installed Win 8, plus a HDD you intend to use for data, etc. I suspect strongly that the trouble is that you have not prepared that new empty HDD for use by Windows. That is a process necessary for an empty new drive.

You already know how to look at it in Disk Management, where you can see the unit as all Unallocated Space. Make SURE you are operating only on the HDD unit that says it is all Unallocated Space, not any other unit. RIGHT-click on that Unallocated Space block and choose the option to Create a New Simple Volume. You probably want this volume to include all the space on that unit. Other optional settings like File System and...


If I read your post correctly, you built a new computer that includes an SSD on which you have Installed Win 8, plus a HDD you intend to use for data, etc. I suspect strongly that the trouble is that you have not prepared that new empty HDD for use by Windows. That is a process necessary for an empty new drive.

You already know how to look at it in Disk Management, where you can see the unit as all Unallocated Space. Make SURE you are operating only on the HDD unit that says it is all Unallocated Space, not any other unit. RIGHT-click on that Unallocated Space block and choose the option to Create a New Simple Volume. You probably want this volume to include all the space on that unit. Other optional settings like File System and Formatting are likely set OK for you, so just let it do the job. It will take a long time - many hours - so be patient. When it is finished, back out of disk Management and reboot. The HDD should show up now in My Computer.


Aug 28, 2014

I'm on windows 7, but I did what you said except for the reboot. (I am waiting for windows to finish updating.) It seem to of worked though. I can see it in the explorer.
Also I'm not sure if you were kidding or not about it taking hours.. It took less than a second.. haha good one if you were kidding.


Really? Seconds? The Windows is not doing something it always used to do.

Creating a New Simple Volume is a two-step process that does the Format operation second. There are two ways to do that. A Full Format (which used to be the default choice) does some quick things and then tests EVERY Sector of the HDD by writing to it and reading it back, and that takes hours! But a Quick Format only does the quick initial things - creates the Root Directory and a few files used by NTFS to do its work tracking all files thereafter, without ever trying to use any other part of the HDD. That process is very short. But for a brand new HDD which should not have any Bad Sectors, it make sense.

Good for you - you got it to work!


Aug 28, 2014

I think it was set on the quick format.. Do I need to redo it? even if it is showing up?


No, don't re-do. It should be just fine. The only reason for doing a Full Format (rather than Quick) on a brand new drive is to be super-cautious and avoid problems caused by any Bad Sectors on the HDD before it is even used. But that almost never happens, so don't worry about it.


Aug 28, 2014

Ok well thank you so much for your help!