What GPU can run all games at 1080@60fps that costs $350 or less?


Jan 14, 2015
FX 6300 or FX 8350
60Hz or 120Hz Monitor?
Can a 60Hz play show above 60fps?
Crysis 3 at 1080@60fps maybe all ultra settings? Nothing above 1080 like 1440 or 4k
Will be playing Skyrim with mods and B4 also most modern games like Dying Light
If no card can hand Crysis 3 at 1080@60fps under $350 or $300
Was planning on a GTX 750 ti ftw then new GTX 960 came out (ASUS or EVGA) maybe Ti in Summer?
More cores don't always mean more power AMD and Intel are different If you owned a 8320/ OR 8350 and bought a I5 4690 you wouldn't see a lot of difference between the 2 other then the single core performance ... The g3258 is very good for gaming it is 1/3 the cost of the I5 and will game like the I5 and I7 even tho its 2 cores look at the vids and read the net reviews ect its a very good cpu for gaming to get you into the ball park so to speak... As with anything the more that you spend the better you will get in return .. BTW THE R 290 have issues with BSOD THATS NOT BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH THAT BLACK SCREEN... I would steer clear from the 290 right now the issue has been ongoing for well over a year and AMD hasn't fix it yet.
Do you already have a computer built? Maybe you could give us the total budget and we can build a more balanced computer?

The best video card for $350 or less is a GTX 970 and it will run Crysis 3 at 60 fps on very high settings.


Jan 23, 2013
If you only want 1080p@60FPS, and you dont care about in-game settings then the 280x and even the 270x just fine. FX 6300 is also fine, but the FX 8350 is obviously better, and is better at future proofing your build. You cannot run Crysis 3 at 1080p@60FPS with a 270x or 280x. You cant even do that with a GTX 970.

There are no confirmation about Ti versions of the 960.
Do you have a system built or is this a wish list or something??? can you give us some details or specs on the system? As said crisis is yet to be max out to 60 fps with any of the above cards .. The 960 is equal to a r 285 in performance yet slower then the 280x .. Let us know what else we can further help you with.
If you go the AMD route use the 8320 and it will over clock as good as the 8350 and costs less... If your going Intel and you just want to get started for now with a good gaming system with room to grown later find a good 1150 intel board asrock asus or gigabyte.
The buy a 69 dollar cpu called a g3258 from intel it games really good if that's what your wanting and it over clocks like a mother.. If youi want I can do you a build... Derza nice build but he needs a os as well ...

Well i was basing my pricing off of his most expensive build... He didn't have an OS included with it.


Jan 14, 2015

Why the motherboard downgrade? (Had SLI and Crossfire support)
I heard Dying Light has AMD incompatibilities or doesn't work well together.
Is a 60Hz monitor good for 60fps?

Switching from AMD motherboard to intel, had to cut the price a bit on the motherboard so you could get an intel CPU (much better for gaming) and also fit in the r9 290 ( will be WAY faster than the gtx 750 ti). All in all its about $70 more than your other build but will perform about twice as fast in games.

60Hz monitor means it can display 60 fps... so yes 60Hz is all you need.


Jan 14, 2015

Will the CPU bottleneck the GPU?
Games are using 4 core configs so I dont know about the g3258.
Also is it true that a AMD 8 core is like a Intel 4 core?
Well they say that far cry 4 wont run well on a amd system but im proof that it does run well infact it hasn't crashed yet on my 8320 but it has on my intel 4690k.... sli and crossfire is if your going to be running 2 gpu in your system a h or b board is fine but its a bit older then a z 87 or 97 Derza has a good build for you.. I am only providing you with options and info... Dying light game works fine on amd system my son in law has it running on a apu from amd.. So I wouldn't worry so much about one game and focus about the over all performance and value for your money.


Jan 14, 2015

All my questions have pretty much have been answered so what would be in my build now in PCpartpicker?
What CPU and what GPU?
More cores don't always mean more power AMD and Intel are different If you owned a 8320/ OR 8350 and bought a I5 4690 you wouldn't see a lot of difference between the 2 other then the single core performance ... The g3258 is very good for gaming it is 1/3 the cost of the I5 and will game like the I5 and I7 even tho its 2 cores look at the vids and read the net reviews ect its a very good cpu for gaming to get you into the ball park so to speak... As with anything the more that you spend the better you will get in return .. BTW THE R 290 have issues with BSOD THATS NOT BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH THAT BLACK SCREEN... I would steer clear from the 290 right now the issue has been ongoing for well over a year and AMD hasn't fix it yet.


Jan 14, 2015

I was at first going to go with a fx 6300 but now I will go with a g2358 with a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO.
CPU solved.
What about a GPU?
I was at first going with a 750 ti ftw but now im thinking gtx 960 or 970 depending on price for performance, also maybe a AMD card like a r9 280 or 280x.
Do you have any other cards than thous and which company ASUS or EVGA.

If you go with the G3258 rout i'd get a z97 motherboard for it... That will give you the option to upgrade to an i5 4690k later on if you want to... As far as the video cards go, if you can budget the GTX 970 (~$330) its one of the best price/performance cards right now.

GTX 970 :
Asus($339): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121899&cm_re=gtx_970-_-14-121-899-_-Product

MSI($319): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127833&cm_re=gtx_970-_-14-127-833-_-Product