PS4+tv or oculus rift and gaming computer?


May 23, 2014
So currently I have $909.25 to do what ever the heck i want to do with it. My original plan was to buy a new tv(200) a ps4($400) and the limited editon star wars xbox 360 (price varies, hoping to get for max 250) But talking to my brother about this, he said I should save my money, make another $1000 or so, and build a gaming computer+ oculus rift. Now I have no idea what I should do. Let me give you a little background of my so called "gaming life" I play the following:
DS Lite

My computer (which really isn't even my own) is ABOSULTEY HORIBBLE. Seriosly steam crashes my computer. not joking either, beig dead honest. So a new computer would be nice, and I can actually have my own. I like the idea of VR and I want to play around in OR VR1 but also want to have a ps4.

Another thing I was thinking was just buy the ps4 and tv, and then buying the computer case i've alreaqdy picked out, forcing myself to buy a computer next once I have that money. What do you guys think? Also a little tid-bit of info, I don't have a job, and becuase my parents are mean, I can only have a summer job. Help!


Mar 22, 2014
You won't need that much. A $900 gaming computer can get you miles in gaming compared to a PS4/360. Save an extra $300 and get the occulus when it comes out. Or enjoy a gaming computer without it and get the same experience as the console with the TV hooked up to the rig. Add a bluetooth adapter if you really prefer console control and have a blast. Even $700 will do better than a console. Not to mention how much you save on games, I'm guessing your pal has an overkill gaming rig.

And your parents are not mean, you really should focus on school too. Games are nice but only if it does not get in the way of real life, hard to play one from a gutter right.