Power not working cause of CPU?


Mar 2, 2014
I recently have been having problems with my pc on morning and when I loaded it it would freez no weird noise no crash just freez then on the 3rd try it powered off and won't turn on only fans spin for about 1-2 seconds then it gives up. I replaced the PSU and upgraded from 430 to 500w which is enough now when I plugged it into the mobo and started it it worked! Then I connect the componets and it does the 2 sec start then power off. I unplugged the componets one at a time an turned the pc off and on and I leared once I unplug the CPU it works! (the Pcu cord that says CPU) but once I plug it in again my power goes out again. Again new pcu so it can't be that. There is 0 help I could find on google Any help would be amazing to this weird problem.