At what temperature should my fan speed reach 100%?


Aug 29, 2013
I am using the Asus Thermal Radar utility which is in AI Suite II and need help setting my fan speeds. My Cpu fan setting currently states that it reaches 100% fan speed when my CPU temperature hits 60 degrees Celsius. Is this a good setting or bad?

The cpu i have is intel 4930k core i7 and my heatsink fan is cooler master hyper 212 evo. These are my other settings in the picture below, can anyone guide me in the right direction?


I also have fans at the front of my case and a fan on the side (same fan as the one in the 212 evo), and these are the settings for those, are these also good?



Also there is pch fan, I have no clue what this fan does

I am asking because I will be overclocking my CPU. CPUz shows my core speed at 3401.64 mhz, I want it to be at 3.9 mhz so I need to know the proper setting for my fan before I can overclock it.

My pc is used for heavy applications like after effects, premiere, photoshop and some gaming as well. I am okay at computer hardware and don't have the money to pay someone to do this for me so any help will be appreciated.