Medal of Honor 10th Anniversary Edition


Jul 15, 2014

I know this game is fairly old now, but i do fancy playing classics for nostalgia purposes sometimes :).

Does this game collection have all the latest patches on the disks or do i need to go hunting for them?

my concern would be if it requires steam or origin or uplay type client's ? if so its not worth the disks it printed on to me and no sale ... I do know the
Allied Assault,- Pacific Assault ,-Airborne [full retail disks ] I have run 100% on windows 7 64 with out any patches and they do not have any 3ed party interference or manitory 3ed party client's like steam-- the rest of the games listed in the 10th anniversary do I think so I never got them
my concern would be if it requires steam or origin or uplay type client's ? if so its not worth the disks it printed on to me and no sale ... I do know the
Allied Assault,- Pacific Assault ,-Airborne [full retail disks ] I have run 100% on windows 7 64 with out any patches and they do not have any 3ed party interference or manitory 3ed party client's like steam-- the rest of the games listed in the 10th anniversary do I think so I never got them