Is Refurb from reseller a good deal for r9 280x ?

Seyam Al-Fahad

Jul 19, 2014
I got an offer for Gigabyte Windforce R9 280x for 220$ and hes offering 3 days personal warranty, is this a good deal? The card is Refurbished from Re-seller.

What test's can i run on it to know it is not faulty and is in good condition ?
I would never even think of buying anything with a three day warranty. I would stay away from it as you have no idea as to what they've done with the card - for all we know, it overheated and massive (and irreversible) thermal degradation has occurred, knocking years off the card's life.
I would never even think of buying anything with a three day warranty. I would stay away from it as you have no idea as to what they've done with the card - for all we know, it overheated and massive (and irreversible) thermal degradation has occurred, knocking years off the card's life.