Questions on performance for Titan X, GTX 980, SLI for 1440p and maybe 4K


Mar 20, 2015
Hello all,

So I have been "struggling" with this since the TitanX was announced all those days ago. Full disclosure I like shinny new things, it's a problem I'm trying to deal with and failing misearable. Before we start here is my full rig as it currently sits: my rig. So right now I use my computer primarily for gaming, streaming on twitch, and listening to music. I play all different games (DayZ, Arma III, Battlefield, CSGO, Cities:Skylines, etc) I have an EVGA SC GTX 980, i7 4790k (not OC), and my 3 monitors are an ROG Swift(1440p), an Asus 1080p 144hz, and an HP with 1680 x 1050 res. I stream at 720p while playing at 1440p.

How could I increase the FPS on my Swift? I game on the ROG and on the Asus I have my twitch channel up(with video to monitor quality), chat, and chrome for music. On the HP I only have OBS up.

If I enabled my integrated graphics card and hooked up the ASUS and HP to it would that alleviate some of the stress on the 980 and increase it's performance? From what I've read on this site it looks like this is possible but I am not sure of the repercussions of doing this. Would it put strain on my CPU? Would this offer any benefit? My other option is purchasing the TitanX. Would I notice a considerable difference in performance on screen or would it all be in my head at this point? In addition to this it looks like EVGA is releasing a SC version of the X, would it be worth waiting for this or possibly even holding out for the 980TI? What about SLI 980s, I know it would offer a boost over the Titan with the caveat that sli comes with it's issues and I would prefer anything that could be of issue. I can't go with an AMD as I use the Swift that has gsync. So AMD is out of the equation for now. Also, I don't have a 4k monitor yet but I'm sure I'll head that direction at some point within the next year or 2.

Decisions decisions.

Just a couple notes: I have a few days left to return my 980 as I replaced a 970 for it so in my mind half of the cost is already sunk if I went with a TitanX.


Jun 12, 2010

I don't think that the problem is with the hardware itself but with your monitor configuration. The ROG SWIFT is already incredibly taxing on its own! Once you start adding these additional monitors, you will experience a further drop in performance.

Drivers themselves may be an issue here (not a drivers expert) as this sort of setup is very uncommon. It may take time to resolve these issues. Have you tried dropping the HP monitor and testing performance? See if this makes a big difference.

It's hard to make judgments without benchmarks of your PC, but if the problem is simply that you need more power, I would swap to SLI 970s or 980s, depending on your budget,. Both options will provide a noticeable performance boost.

Utilizing the iGPU will not "strain" the CPU in the sense of damaging it, and shouldn't provide a meaningful decrease in performance. Try it out!

TLDR; Try tinkering with your monitor setup to see if losing a monitor helps. Also try hooking up monitors to the iGPU and monitor performance. Report on your findings so the problem can be further diagnosed.

Good luck!


Dec 31, 2013
I run evga gtx 980 super clocked in sli and I get a solid 60fps on farcry 4. 1 card alone can bearly hit 20fps sli those cards and 60fps. Your issue is your over taxing that card. Sli mode is one monitor only.