What graphics card can run Battlefield 4 at max and skyrim with mods and enbs ?


Mar 22, 2015
Ok so what card can run Battlefield 4 at ultra with 200 percent resolution scale at 1980x1080p and what card can run skyrim with 100 mods at ultra with an enb at 1980x1080p? A card that can run the games at 60 plus fps.


Mar 23, 2014
Before posting a question like this it would be nice to know what kind of hardware you already have. :)

For these types of video settings, these are my personal recommendations.

Notes on the Mid-Range GPUs: These are perfectly capable of running most games on 1080p at Ultra with 60fps or higher. Skyrim is no exception in most cases even with ENB + 2K Textures

Mid-Range: (Skyrim)
nVidia: GTX 770, 970
AMD: R9 280X, R9 285

High-Range: (60fps Battlefield 4)
nVidia: GTX 980
AMD: 290X

An honorable mention is the GTX 780Ti, you could get 60fps on ultra with a little bit of overclock.

I didn't put in the GTX 960 for Skyrim, because it's memory bus seems to limit the GPU quite a bit, this seems to only appear on games that demand high resolution textures being loaded/swapped constantly during gameplay.

For Skyrim just make sure to check out the S.T.E.P guide and various forum threads on how to get the best performance/quality ratio.

If you have at least an Intel 2nd gen. Sandy Bridge i3/i5/i7. Or an AMD FX with 6 or 8 cores, you should be fine and the GPU's shouldn't bottleneck your CPU. I shouldn't forget to mention that AMD Phenom II six cores are still alive and kicking.


Mar 22, 2015

I have a amd fx 6300 6 core.