What is the difference between the i7 4790k and the OEM version

shakeel amlay

Mar 8, 2015
Hey all Tom's Hardware experts! I would like to know what the difference between the i7 4790k and the i7 4790k (OEM/Tray) version. I checked and the specs are the same but the OEM version is a little cheaper. So what's the difference? Is it some extra that's left out maybe?

If you get the intel stock cooler, it will have pre applied paste.
It is the three grey stripes.

It is not a bad idea to buy some paste regardless. If you need to remount the cooler, you need to clean off the old paste and apply new.
Be warned, the intel pushpin mount can be tricky to install well.

If you get the intel stock cooler, it will have pre applied paste.
It is the three grey stripes.

It is not a bad idea to buy some paste regardless. If you need to remount the cooler, you need to clean off the old paste and apply new.
Be warned, the intel pushpin mount can be tricky to install well.