Is there a way to use some of my RAM as VRAM


Jul 30, 2014
I have Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor. It's great and I meet all the requirements for ultra settings, except on thing. I need a whopping 6 gb VRAM. I currently have 6, but 4 of it is from a thumb drive and that wont last long so I need a better solution. I was wondering if there is a way to use my some of my excess regular RAM as VRAM. I know some MoBos can allow this in the BIOS, but I couldnt find an option for it in mine. Can I maybe use some hard drive space for VRAM? I'm very knowledgeable when it comes to computers so feel free to be real technical if you need to.

My specs:
Windows 8.1
Asus a88x Pro Motherboard
AMD A8-5600k Cpu
8 GB Hynix RAM
2500 GB Storage

Unless you're running Windows XP, it is automatic. The only way your system doesn't have sufficient RAM is if you have too many other processes running in the background.

-Wolf sends


If the game you're playing requires more memory than is available/installed on your graphics card, your system will automatically allocate whatever memory is available from your system memory. For example

Your graphics card is a Geforce GTX 760 with 1GB of VRAM.
Your system has 8GB or RAM installed
Your game requires 6GB of VRAM

Your system will allocate the 1GB or VRAM from your graphics card plus 5GB of system RAM, allocated as shared memory, in order to provide the game with the memory it requires.

-Wolf sends


Jul 30, 2014
Well for some reason it isn't doing that. Is it possible I'm using most of my RAM already and my computer can't get enough for SoM? Should I buy some more ram? Would it hurt my HDD to use some of its space as Vram?

By the way I have 2gb VRAM on my gpu.


Personally, I'd suggest shutting down whatever background processes you have running. No game on the market today should require a system to have more than 8GB of RAM.

Recommended (not required) System Requirements for Middle Earth: Shadows or Mordor -

System Requirements Lab
Game Debate
PC Gamer

All of these sites state the recommended memory amount at 8GB. Your system should be able to handle the game without issue. The only other thing I can think of would be if you're running a 32-bit OS instead of a 64-bit OS.

-Wolf sends