Free RAM! Is this legit?

Bailey Olsen

Jun 19, 2014

Found this. May come in use for some of you guys. I'm not from the US so can't buy it and find out how it works. You might just get a gift card as the rebate?
All you get when you go to that page is We're Sorry, the page you requested was not found. It was probably only free after mail in rebate and was likely a really crappy brand anyhow. I've never seen the Tiger give ANYTHING away for free, except useless software, on occasion.
Yep, that's a mail in rebate that you'll have to wait about ten weeks to see. Still, if you were planning to buy it anyhow, I guess it would be a nice gift to yourself.

I actually have those exact modules running in this rig right now, which I got on an outstanding deal as well, or I would never have bought the 4 x4GB CAS 10 Hyper modules, and I've had zero problems with them with my FX chip and Sabertooth board. Nice find.