Low fps on TES Skyrim , default settings?


Apr 3, 2015
I'm a huge fan of the TES series. Previously I had very bad pc, but now I got decent one and was surprised when I saw fps on Skyrim.
My specs are:
i3 2100 3.1ghz
Radeon HD 5570 2gb
8 gigs of kingston ram
400w psu

First I started the game on ultra settings and it lagged a lot. I thought that I was going too far, so I clicked on Default settings button in options menu and it configured it on high. I started the game and only got 15-20 fps. The mouse was lagging very much.

If I lower the settings it makes it a bit better but not much.

CPU and GPU load only goes max to 15%.

I removed the HD Texture pack but without luck.

I also downloaded dll fix for amd gpu's but it helped only a little.
Btw I play at 1920x1080. And using only mod which makes roads to appear on the map.

I tried messing with the preferences file but again same fps.

Can you suggest any fixes?

Thanks in advance.


Jul 18, 2014
That gpu can not handle that resolution it is old and crap now when trying to run games try 1280x720 low settings and check for virus from those dll because i had a r9 270 and never did i have to download something other than the game to play it