Adding another SSD -quick question


Jul 25, 2013
I'm adding another SSD to a desktop gaming ystem and I'm curious about the 3gb/s and 6gb/s data ports on my mobo. I have my current ssd and a 7200rpm HDD on the 6gbs ports and I guess I'm just curious of the implications of putting the new ssd on the 3gbs ports. Should I move the HDD to a 3gbs port or keep it on the 6gbs? Thanks in advance.



Put the HDD on the SATA II port, and the new SSD on the other SATA III port.
I have 3 SSD's, and only 2 SATA III ports.
There is a def difference in the one SSD that has to live on a SATA II port.
Unquestionably, as you have heard, your SSD should be connected to your motherboard's 6 Gb/s connector (sometimes referred to as SATA 3 or SATA III) usually designated as a SATA 1 connector, however, I see no downside in connecting your other drive, the HDD, which apparently will serve as a storage/backup device to another one of the motherboard's 6 Gb/s connectors as long as there's a vacant SATA 6 Gb/s connector to do so. While this won't have any effect on the performance of that drive there are no negative implications affecting your boot drive that I'm aware of. I would agree that there's no critical need to do so and if so choose you can leave well enough alone should the HDD be already connected to a SATA 3 Gb/s connector.