I Need a Bit of Technical Support for GTA V


Aug 19, 2014
Since I'm not having much luck on Google, and Rockstar Technical Support hasn't gotten back to me yet, I thought I'd make a post here and see if anyone can be of assistance.

I'm having trouble with stutters and frame drops while playing GTA V. It happens in so constant a manner that the game is completely unplayable. Take the opening scene for example. The audio will get to the point where Michael has stood up and he's yelling about how he's living the dream, but on my screen he's still sitting on the couch talking about how his son's a loser...

Then, when I actually get into the game and first take control of Franklin, I'll be standing perfectly still and can watch the FPS jump up and down, up and down, up and down. The game, in this state, is completely and totally unplayable for me! I don't know what the hell the problem is!

Here are my hardware specs:
- Intel i5-4670K 3.4GHz CPU
- AMD Radeon HD 7970 3GB GPU

Here are my software specs:
- Windows 7 64-Bit
- AMD Version 15.4 Beta Drivers
- DirectX 11
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1

What I've tried so far:
- Rebooting my PC
- Lowering the resoultion and graphics settings in-game
- Verifying the game cache
- Deleting and downloading the game again

Nothing has worked. Someone in the GTA V Steam Chat told me repeatedly that my CPU is the problem; that an i5 will bottleneck the game at 1080p and cause this issue. His suggestion was to upgrade to an i7. Not only can I not afford that upgrade at this time, but I also don't think that's the problem. In my opinion, the game is the problem. Far too many other players are having the same or similar problem for it to be my particular system.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to hearing them. At this point I'm thinking the game needs to be patched before this issue will go away and I can finally start to play the game. Perhaps I'm wrong though, and there's something I simply haven't thought of.

Thanks! :)


Aug 19, 2014
Here's an update.

I created the same thread over on Steam's GTA V Forum as well. Someone there suggested I launch the game and then bump it's priority level to high via the Task Manager; I think it worked! For the first time since the game was officially released, I was actually able to PLAY the game!

With the default settings that the game chose for my system (almost every was set to Very High), it ran at a stable 50-60 FPS all through the first mission! No stuttering, frame rate drops, etc. I'm about to catch some shuteye, so once I wake up I'll give it another go and see if it continues to play smoothly.

Until then, other suggestions, thoughts and comments are still encouraged! :)