Windows 8.1 Boots DOG SLOW With samsung 840 EVO with/without rapid mode enabled


Jul 29, 2014
it takes 100 seconds for my machine to boot. when my brothers machine boots in 10 seconds. His cpu is only 100mhz higher than mine and i have a faster gpu. Was it the way the files were copied from the WD Caviar black i had? i used samsung magician, or is it the hardware. is there something wrong with the drive? if there is something wrong, is there a way to fix it?
Intel i7 4770k OC 4.3
gigabyte gtx 980g1
samsung 840 evo
16gb of 1600mhz ram
There are many variable to check.
Is your motherboards set to run in AHCI mode?
Are you plugging in your SSD into a SATA 3 port?
Have you check the settings in your motherboard's BIOS to reduce hardware checks and turned off CSM.
Is trim enabled for the SSD?