How many vpn slots on a router do I need?


Apr 20, 2015
Hi, I'm a new network support specialist looking into setting up my first vpn network for a client.

The client has 15 physical locations and each location has 3 systems that need to be remoted into as well as need 24/7 access to the central servers. Each location will have a sonicwall Tz105.

I think I need 15 vpn slots on the router I want to procure (one per router-to-router vpn, which will then provide access to the LAN and the systems on it) so something like a NSA220M with 25 vpn slots should do - but I want to make sure I don't need actually need a router with 45 slots (one per system that will be connected to the server).

To clarify I am planning on using Sonicwall's router-to-router vpn - not configuring each client system at these locations to establish their own vpn through WIndows networking.

Thank you
If you're using a SonicWall site-to-site VPN tunnel then you need to ensure that you have sufficient licenses for VPN SA.

As well as licensing, every site's firewall must have a static WAN IP address. This is an absolute pre-requisite for site-to-site VPN.