Should i buy Verdun now or wait for its official release?


Dec 4, 2014
Title says it all.Should i buy verdun now or wait until 28 of April when it will be officially released?What will change with its official release?Will the price go up?


Dec 4, 2014
I cant understand why this game sucks hard.I mean its one of the few games that takes place during WW1 and it has really good graphics compared to many games(check 2015 gameplay).But thank you for your answer.Gonna buy it before its release.


I just played it at various stages in its development from early on to more recently and it did very little for me I have to say.

Gfx aren't all that and the gameplay is pretty tedious, from aiming, to the game modes...I just don't like it.

However that is a personal preference, you may love it.

Have fun
Preordering is generally a bad idea. Preorder bonuses are usually garbage anyways. And preorders encourage companies to make bad products because they "already have your money."
It's smarter to wait for reviews to actually come out so you can make an informed decision.



The game has been playable for over a year now...How will it possibly be better value to wait till it is released in a few days, when you have all the footage and opinions you need already all across youtube and other sites?

"In theory" they could fix things between now and release, but they never do. That's why I said to wait to for a final review. This applies more to games that aren't in early access or whatever, but it's also wise to avoid early access.



I get your drift and you get mine. Let us agree there.

Personally, I think it is bad to encourage bad developers by spending tons on their unfinished game. Equally it is easy to miss out hugely on very important bonuses sometimes; two examples:

I do not know how much fun I would have had with GTA 5 right off the bat, without having over 1.3m to spend on vehicles and houses immeditely. That is roughly 15 euros of ingame money and nothing to sniff at.

Equally, I am thrilled to have invested early on in games like Mech Warrior online and War Thunder, to receive items no longer available and in some cases pretty OP in the right hands (my hands).

However I understand that preordering some other games is not great and can lead to horrible results...I feel the whole concept is going to be tested and once and for all proven or killed with Star Cititzen...

Imagine if it flops or is never finished! There are people pouring literally hundreds and even thousands into stuff they can't even use yet. Pretty wild.

Seriously, Star Citizen scares the crap outta me with the prices they're charging for "ships." I keep hearing people say you can "earn them" but how long will it take to earn something ingame that costs $130 in real life money. League of Legends makes it take a like a month of 2-4 hours of playing a day to earn a single champion that cost $7.50.


It's messed up!

They do expect people will grind all day every day when it is released. However I agree, I can't see how that model will work trying to earn those ships.

I really want to invest though...however my head is keeping me in check.