Ps3 freases gtav online

Thomas Strube

Nov 20, 2014
When I play gtav online in the game there is a town called paleto bay when I drive fly of joust go out there my PS3 always freezes I have she supper slim slider top every thing is up dated when it does this I need to press and hold the power button until it beeps then powers off it olany does it with gtav online and story mode as well I joust got through the winter and it olany would lag and it never froze it would Freese in the past it was because there was a lot of action going on like people killing other people but rockstar games fixed the problem and I thought it was getting to hot so I put it up in its side and I need to try it to night I have put a hole butntch of hours on the system and joust many it has dust in it but I don't think so because some people on YouTube have symptoms that make a loud noise when they are on I think that is because thay have dust inside mine does not it sounds normal please help me I love playing Gta online with my friends form school and my crew